The important thing is: How do we overcome those experiences that provoke failure, fault, sad, and anxiety feelings? It's not an easy thing, but it is possible to overcome any negative situation or emotion that we are going through. It depends on our "tools", our psychological mechanisms, our knowledge, our abilities and assets. Mind states that we choose to have. Yes, I mean choose, because everything we do in life depends on the decisions we make. We decide to laugh or cry, being happy or being sad, to success or fail, to lie or to tell the truth, to love or to hate. In short, you make your own decisions based on what you want for yourself.
- He failed at business at 31 years
- Lost an election at 32
- Failed again at business at 34
- His girlfriend died when he was 35
- Had a nervous breakdown at 36
- Lost a Presidential election at 38
- Lost an election for the USA Congress at 43, 46 and 48
- Lost a Senate election at 55
- Lost an election to become the Vice-President of the USA at 56
- Lost another Senate election at 58
- Finally, was elected President of the USA at 60 years
Both men, Abe and Nick, took their decisions based on their circumstances, and they never gave up. They kept trying until they make their dreams come true. So look at you! Look around you and see all the possibilities, blessings, family, friends, and/or resources that you have. I invite you to make an internal analysis and realize that your attitude, your experiences and emotions are temporary, and that you can overcome them. It will depend on what you choose to live.
Computer Engineer, Executive and Life Coach