Obviously, I don’t have anything against technology. I love it! Even more, I’m a computer engineer and I spent a lot of time interacting with different devices due to my job. However, I recognize that, if we don’t have balance in our life, technology will steal a lot of our precious moments. Instants that we can spend with our family, children, wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, nature, or even with your pet. Even worst, it could cost your life if you get distracted sending text messages while driving a car.
Technology is a great thing and a powerful tool. It will facilitate our lives by providing a lot of information, accessibility to different services, and different kinds of interactions at your fingertips. But remember, use it sparingly and thoughtfully. More important, wisely separate the time you spend with it in a safety environment/place and dedicate more time to what is important to you: your family, your health, your mind and body, and your inner peace. Don’t let technology transform you into a Walking Tech.
Gilberto Crespo, MSCE, CDIA+, CIP